
In a former air raid shelter, I curated a show in 2022 and invited 10 other female artists* to exhibit on a total of 1000 square meters. In the large hall, I showed one work by each artist and each artist also exhibited in one room. There was also an edition to purchase.

With works by
Miriam Beichert, Marthe Howitz, Jana Jedermann, Karo Kuchar, Julie Legouez, Marion Raidt, Evelina Reiter, Anica Seidel, Miray Seramet, Ruth Unger und Marta Vovk

“Dear Diary,
As a child, I hardly had any female-identifying role models. Not for life and certainly not for art. I
knew Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso. "Picasso, that genius," I heard over and
over again. Mostly male artists hung and still hang in museums. In school, we only talked about male
artists. Male Artists in expressionism, male artists in impressionism, blah blah blah, genius here, genius
It sucked - and it still sucks!
Six of the invited female artists* live in Berlin, the others I discovered online and invited because I
admire their work. Many of the works shown here were created specifically for this exhibition, which
thematically explores the everyday, whether through material or content.
With this exhibition I want to create a new network and connect, to show and promote exchange
between women artists*.

That's why I'm writing it down here, dear diary. And to always remind myself:
Women*, unite!

Yours, Julie”

(Quote of a woman at the cemetery 1995) 
antique slats, MDF, varnish, fairy lights
200 x 200 cm

My grandmother often tells me the story of a woman she met at the cemetery. The stranger was glad that her husband was dead. She could now go wherever she wanted, eat what she wanted, and wear what she wanted. For my grandma unimaginable. She still misses my grandpa to this day.

Exhibition view “Dear Diary”, Culterim Gallery, Berlin, 2022

DEPRESSION (Have you tried jogging?) 2022
Installation consisting of antique hospital bed, pyjamas, beton, wallpaper, 
compression speaker, sound 05:02 min, hospital trolley, video 29:45 min, vase, bouquet of flowers

Photos: Marlene Burz

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